8.1.5. Geo position
In the category called "Geo position" you will find four fields and a button called "Update geoposition from address" (see image below). The fields found in the category called "Geo position" are called "Choose marker type", "Latitude", "Longitude" and "Rotation".
Clicking the field called "Choose marker type" will allow you to choose which type of marker should be set as the map marker for the building you are working with.
Clicking the button called "Update geoposition from address", will update the geoposition of the building you are working with. Updating the geoposition of the building you are working with, will reposition the building's map marker. Note that in order for you to be able to update the geoposition of the building you are working with, the building must have at least one address linked to it.
If you update the geoposition of the building you are working with, information about the building's latitude and longitude will appear in the fields called "Latitude" and "Longitude".
For more information on how to: