Index The graphical search field
The graphical search field is (as mentioned in section 5.3.1.) located in the right part of the floor plan view (see image below).
In the graphical search field you will find a command row that contains five commands: "Workspaces", "Components", "Graphical searches", "Printouts" and "Processes". Note that, in this manual, the commands are called "the workspace command", "the component command", "the graphical search command", "the print command" and "the process command".
If you do not activate any of the commands, the commando row will look like this:
If you activate a command, the commando row will look like this:
If you activate the:
For more information on how to activate the workspace command, the component command, the graphical search command, the print command, and/or the process command, see section
For more information on what it allows you to do when working with:
For more information on how to: