  • 7. Key performance indicators area

7. Key performance indicators area

The key performance indicators area is located to the left of the map and the navigation window (see image below).
In the key performance indicators area you will find a number of key performance indicators. The key performance indicators are customer specific, which means that the key performance indicators you find in the key performance indicators area, are specific to your organisation.
The key performance indicators found in the key performance indicators area are linked to the navigation tree and the object list's search function. What data the key performance indicators are showing depends on:
Note that "the navigation tree you are working with" in this case means "the navigation tree found in the navigation window". When we, in this chapter, refer to "the navigation tree you are working with", we are referring to the navigation tree found in the navigation window. Also note that you can have access to more than one navigation tree and that you (if you have access to more than one navigation tree) can select which navigation tree to work with. For more information on how to select which navigation tree to work with, see section 5.9.
For more information about the navigation tree, see chapter 5. For more information on how to perform a text search in the object list, see section 6.3.1. For more information on how to filter a column in the object list, see section 6.3.2.