8.7.4. Access the document manager at person level
To access the document manager at person level:
In the document manager, you will find a number of folders that are placed at different levels in a tree structure that we call the "document tree". In the document tree you will find two main folders: a shared folder and a folder that is specific to the person whose person card you have opened (see image below). Note that the folder that is specific to the person whose person card you have opened shares its name with the current person. If you have opened the person card of Tamaz Noren, the person specific folder of the document manager will also be called "Tamaz Noren". No matter how many folders the document tree contains, the different folders will be linked either to the shared folder or the person specific folder. For a brief, concise description of some of the things you have the opportunity to do when working with the document manager at person level, continue reading below the image below.
Working with the document manager at person level, you can, among other things:
For more information on the document manager, see chapter 9.