Index Open and close floors in the building you are working with
Via the floor plan view you can open and close floors in the building you are working with.
For more information how to open floors in the building you are working with, see the heading "Open floors in the building you are working with" below. For more information how to close floors in the building you are working with, see the heading "Close floors in the building you are working with" below.
Open floors in the building you are working with
To open floors in the building you are working with:
2. Click the floor box (see the first image below). When you click the floor box, a list of floors will open. In the list of floors you will find all the floors available in the building you are working with. Note that the floor or floors already open are marked with a checkmark in the list of floors (see the second image below).
3. Select the floor or floors you wish to open. This is done by clicking one or more floors in the list of floors. Note that the floor or floors you select will be marked with checkmarks.
4. Click "Load selected floors" at the end of the list of floors (see the first image below). Clicking "Load selected floors" at the end of the list of floors will open the floor or floors you selected in step 3, which you will see in the list called "Floor" and the model (see the second and third image below).
Close floors in the building you are working with
To close floors in the building you are working with: