Add a 3D model to Pythagoras Web
To make it easy for you to work with components in Pythagoras Web, we have divided components into groups, types and instances:
In order to view components in 3D, select a 3D model for the components you wish to view in 3D. The 3D model is selected from a list of 3D models. If you do not find a suitable 3D model in the list of 3D models, you can add a 3D model to Pythagoras Web. In order to add a 3D model to Pythagoras Web you have to activate the component command. For more information on how to activate the component command, see "Activate the component command" in section For more information on how to view components in 3D, see "View components in 3D".
To add a 3D model to Pythagoras Web:
The 3D model you added to Pythagoras Web can now be selected when you and/or your colleagues wish to view components in 3D. You can now close the component card. For more information on how to view components in 3D, see section "View components in 3D".