To make it easy for you to work with components in Pythagoras Web, we have divided components into groups, types and instances:
A component group may be "Tables" or "Chairs".
A component type can be "Desk", "Conference table" or "Office chair".
A component instance can be a single desk, a single conference table, or an individual office chair.
Which component groups, component types, and component instances you have access to depends entirely on who you are and what organisation you work for. You will only have access to the component groups, component types and component instances your organisation has chosen to work with.
In order to view components in 3D, select a 3D model for the components you wish to view in 3D. The 3D model is selected from a list of 3D models. If you do not find a suitable 3D model in the list of 3D models, you can add a 3D model to Pythagoras Web. In order to add a 3D model to Pythagoras Web you have to activate the component command. For more information on how to activate the component command, see "Activate the component command" in section For more information on how to view components in 3D, see "View components in 3D".
To add a 3D model to Pythagoras Web:
Go to the graphical search field (see image below).
If you are not already on the tab in question, click the "Tree" tab (see the first image below). Clicking the "Tree" tab opens a component tree. In the component tree you will find a list of the component groups available in the model (see the second image below).
Open a component group by clicking a component group in the component tree (see the first image below). Clicking a component group will open a list of component types available in the model (see the second image below). Note that each component type is linked to three buttons: one button called "Open component type definition", one called "Select/deselect all components of this type", and one called "Show/hide all components of this type" (see the third image below).
Open a component card by clicking the button called "Open component type definition" (see the first image below). Clicking any of the "Open component type definition" button, will open a component card (see the second image below). In the component card you will find a graphical search field and a drawing window. In the drawing window you will find a model of the component whose definition button you clicked. In the graphical search field you will find a command called "Appearance". The model you find in the drawing window will be shown either in 2D or 3D.
Click "Appearance" in the graphical search field (see the first image below). Clicking "Appearance" will open a list of 3D models available in Pythagoras Web (see the second image below). At the end of the list of 3D models you will find a button called "Add new 3D model" (see the third image below).
Click the button called "Add new 3D model" (see the first image below). Clicking the "Add new 3D model" button will add a 3D model to Pythagoras Web. The new 3D model will be called "New model" (see the second image below). Please note that you are not done yet! Continue reading under the images below.
Click the 3D model you added to Pythagoras Web (see the first image below). Clicking the 3D model you added to Pythagoras Web will open one "Name" field, one "Type" field and one button called "Select file" (see the second image below).
Click the "Name" field (see the first image below). Clicking the "Name" field you will open a dialog called "Name" (see the second image below).
9. Go to the "Name" dialog.
10. In the "Name" dialog, enter a name for the 3D model you added to Pythagoras Web (see the first image below). Click "OK" (see the second image below). When clicking "OK" in the "Name" dialog you will be returned to the list of 3D models. In the list of 3D models you can see that the name you entered in the "Name" dialog has been given to the 3D model you added to Pythagoras Web (see the third image below).
11. Make sure it says "FBX file" in the "Type" field (see image below).
12. Link a FBX file to the 3D model you are working with. This is done by clicking the "Select file" button (see the first image below). Clicking the "Select file" button you will open the File explorer (see the second image below).
13. Go to the file explorer and scroll down to a FBX file.
14. Click the file to select it.
15. Click "Open" in the bottom right corner of the File explorer (see the first image below). When you click "Open", the FBX file you have selected will be uploaded to Pythagoras Web and linked to the 3D model you added to the application (see the second image below).
The 3D model you added to Pythagoras Web can now be selected when you and/or your colleagues wish to view components in 3D. You can now close the component card. For more information on how to view components in 3D, see section "View components in 3D".